Network Layout
- Physical layout and connectivity.
- Wireless Networking using IEEE 802.11.
- Selecting proper cabling.
- Choosing which IP numbers to use.
- Subnet configurations.
- Deciding where to use routers, switches or hubs.
Host Setup
- Specifying IP, host names, gateways, name servers.
- Routing entries.
- Using DHCP.
- Packet filtering: prevent access to services.
- NAT / Masquerading: allow multiple clients access to the Internet
through a single server.
- Forwarding: Direct services to a machine on the private network.
Domain Name System
- Name server lookup and reverse lookups entries.
- Machine aliases.
- Mail Exchanger records.
- Secondary name servers and automatic reloading.
- Caching name servers.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
- Sendmail configuration.
- m4 generator use.
- Controlling mail relay use.
- Envelope masquerading.
Post Office Protocol
& Internet Messaging Access Protocol
- Configuration of mail servers for various email clients such
as Netscape® Messenger and Microsoft® Outlook.
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
- Setup and configuration. (Very useful for laptops that plug
into different networks.)
Point-to-Point Protocol
- Incoming: Remote network access from PC clients setup.
Outgoing: On-demand connectivity to the Internet setup.
Remote Access
- Modem configuration.
- Secure access with SSH and PPTP over the Internet
- Setting up to allow file and printer sharing to PC clients.
- Configuration of "Shares" to limit access.
- Network logins.
- Browse masters.
Web Server
- Apache settings configuration and use.
- Cgi programs and PHP3 modules.
- Private password protected areas.
- SQL database creation and access.
- SQL language.
Red Hat Linux
- Proper disk partitioning.
- Red Hat Linux installation.
- Installation of updates.
- Kernel patches and upgrades.