- Setup 11 Linux servers at three branches.
- Recently completed eight month programming project involving
a large replicated database with terminal and web interfaces to
run in-house operations.
- eginning work on a customer service tracking system using web
based queries and updates.
- Ongoing Linux support.
- Setup two (Dell) Linux servers on an internal network, including
an Oracle database.
- Completed PC based game using CGI scripts that talk to a daemon
that interracts with an Oracle Database.
- Ongoing Linux support.
- Setup a (Compaq) Linux server.
- Ongoing Linux support.
- Setup several Linux servers on an internal network.
- Many custom applications developed over the last few years.
- Developed ordering system for Bagzilla customers, including
web based customer administration and updating for Bagzilla personnel.
Sierra National Construction
- Setup Linux server and internal network.
- Configured server to provide remote access to laptops.
- Dosemu setup to support a DOS based networked application locally
& remotely, including remote printing.
- Linux support and administration.
Dotal, Inc.
- Setup a (Dell) Linux server on an internal network, including
masquerading over PPP and Internet email.
Control Systems, Inc.
- Setup a Linux server on an internal network. Placed their business
product catalog on the web.
- Ongoing support.
Jones Custom Programming
- Setup a Linux server on an internal network.
Genetic Information Systems
- Setup several Linux servers.
- Ported several applications to Linux.
Zenith Packaging